Featured Diva: Rose, Associate of Applied Science (AAS) – Accounting

Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique? I am a single mom of two (boy and ...

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Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique?

I am a single mom of two (boy and girl), 32 years old. I have always wanted to obtain my degree in Accounting, but I kept putting it off for no valid reason, other than I hate writing essays. I was working with a telecommunications company when I decided to go back to school. I was not happy in my current position or department. I wanted out but as much as I applied with other companies, I never got a callback. One day I came across an ad for the University in my area, and I thought, “what’s the worst that can happen? Let me apply and see how this goes” …I got accepted, I was excited and nervous because I felt I was too old to start university. I sucked it up and completed my first semester. Shortly after, I was granted a full scholarship and got a job offer at another company within their finance department. I am now in my second year with one semester left to complete my associates then I am on to my bachelor’s degree.

Has your back to school experience been a smooth journey? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?

Thankfully, my experience has been smooth. I have family and friends that encourage me when I feel like throwing in the towel and remind me why I started in the first place.

Tell us about some time management, study, or money-saving tips that helped you make it to where you are in your journey.

Time management was always a problem for me, I am a procrastinator. I had to discipline myself to stay off social media and put my phone down so that I could focus on my assignments or to spend that ‘social media’ time studying. It is still somewhat of a struggle now, but I use apps that help with keeping track of study time (Flora) and Notion as a planner and ‘to-do’ list for assignments. Whenever I can, I try to stay ahead by reading the chapter that will be discussed before class and making some notes; that way, I understand what the lecturer is discussing.

Tell us about your career goals. What do you plan to do with your degree once you finish?

I will be working towards becoming a CPA. Though, I have been thinking of going into law as well. But I will wait to see where life leads me.

If you had to start over, what would you have done differently?

I would not do anything differently; I feel that I am more mature now, and I take my studies more seriously.

The heart of our mission is to encourage other women on their back to school journeys. The goal of Featured Diva is to celebrate women who are making their academic dreams come true in hopes that other women will find encouragement to strive toward their goals.

Featured Diva: Nicky, Bachelors in Social Work with a Minor in Substance Use Disorders

Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique? I've been toying with going back to school for the last...

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Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique?

I’ve been toying with going back to school for the last 10 years. I never went to college and gained on-the-job training as a Veterinary Technician over the last 16 years, working my way from kennel assistant to Emergency/Critical Care technician. I found the job to be toxic and unfulfilling but couldn’t even fathom going to college after being out of high school for almost 20 years already! I am now 35 years old, have two children (10 years and 10 months), starting college from SCRATCH, and left the veterinary field to pursue my degree in social work with a special focus on substance abuse.

Has your back to school experience been a smooth journey? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?

It most definitely hasn’t been smooth, as I have deeply ingrained inconsistency issues I am currently working through. Staying focused in school and being present for my family has been difficult but I am determined to complete my degree requirements. I know it will all be worth it once I graduate and have an opportunity to go into the career field I desire!

Tell us about some time management, study, or money-saving tips that helped you make it to where you are in your journey.

Taking full advantage of my son’s nap schedule and utilizing my partners helps as much as possible. Not asking for help has been the hardest habit to break, but now I am realizing how much of the weight is lifted when I do! I use binaural beats to study/read because it helps keep me focused, especially with my family being home and living in an apartment. It drowns out the background noise while also helping me to concentrate. I save any extra financial aid for the next semester so I am not too worried about out-of-pocket costs and I also stopped ordering out so frequently and make every attempt to eat all meals at home.

Tell us about your career goals. What do you plan to do with your degree once you finish?

I plan to work within a juvenile correction facility to assist youth in seeing that they have self-worth and options available to be successful and stay out of the system and reach their full potential.

If you had to start over, what would you have done differently?

I wouldn’t have done anything differently at all because every single experience (good, bad, and indifferent) has to lead me right here in this beautiful moment.

The heart of our mission is to encourage other women on their back to school journeys. The goal of Featured Diva is to celebrate women who are making their academic dreams come true in hopes that other women will find encouragement to strive toward their goals.

Self-Care | Motivational Video

What are the things you do for your self-care? How do you make time for self-care? On a scale of 1-10, how important do you feel self-care is important to your well being? For me self care is very important, it is something that I put on my ...

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What are the things you do for your self-care?

How do you make time for self-care?

On a scale of 1-10, how important do you feel self-care is important to your well being?

For me self care is very important, it is something that I put on my schedule.

In this video, we will be talking about some tips on how you can do self-care.

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Featured Diva: Quenita, AAS Advertising/Graphic Design

Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique?  I graduated high school in 1980, went to an HBCU, NC ...

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Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique? 

I graduated high school in 1980, went to an HBCU, NC A&T State University, in the Fall of 1980. My focus was not on education. I went following my boyfriend. I only attended 1 1/2 years before going back home and working.
Years went by, I continued to work. Became pregnant, married, and from there it was family first and basic living.
I am a very proud mother of amazing educated adult sons, both holding graduate degrees and are entrepreneurs.
I spent my life encouraging, motivating, and inspiring my sons to get their education. To go as far as you can obtaining their education. I did not want them to interrupt their education. I encouraged them to see the world. They already knew what was at home (hometown). They both did just that. And after my youngest son received his graduate degree in Film Production, he decided he wanted to be a Barber, so he moved back home and enrolled in a local Barber program and finished in June 2020 in the midst of the pandemic. He has 6 more months of apprenticeship. Upon receiving his full license, he plans to open his own Barber Shop. He is also a video content creator specializing in promos, wedding music videos, and short films.
I decided to return to my education after becoming an empty nester, having raised my sons, as a single mother when they were ages 5 and 8; and also after being the primary caregiver for my mother who passed away in 2016. I had taken a couple of Photoshop classes several years ago and loved those classes, so I chose the Advertising/Graphic design curriculum. I began in January 2018 and because I work full time am only able to take two classes per semester and summer. It has been what seems like forever, I am excited to say I will graduate in Spring 2022.
My situation may not be unique to many, but it is unique to me. There are many times, at my age of 59, I ask myself why am I doing this? Who cares? why now? Why not just quit? My answer to myself is I quit before. I taught my sons to not quit, to never give up. Give out before giving. I think about that when those negative questions come to my thoughts. Having only a high school diploma, until I follow this venture through satisfactorily completing the course requirements for an AAS Advertising/Graphic Design Degree, I don’t feel I have led my sons by example.
Between my two sons, I’ve been to and cheered them through 7 graduations, from high school through grad school, and Barber school. I have 6 caps/gowns/stoles hanging in my closets. I want the next cap/gown/stole that is worn and comes into my house to be worn by and belong to ME!

Has your back to school experience been a smooth journey? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?

It has certainly been a journey! I cannot complain. I pay for my own classes. I only take two per semester and summer sessions. I limit myself to two classes to not overwhelm myself because I do work full-time and manage a Scheduling Call Center. There are times when the job can require more of me, but I set clear boundaries, as school is super important to me this time around.

Tell us about some time management, study, or money-saving tips that helped you make it to where you are in your journey.

Time management is a struggle. Having not been to school in several decades, I realized that I needed to discipline myself to create study time. My entire program has been online. I had to set a study boundary for myself. Homework is due by midnight one night per week. On the due night, I place my phone on Do Not Disturb till midnight.
This allows me to focus on my classwork to make sure I have everything ready to submit if I’m down to the last night to submit. As soon as I leave work, my phone goes on DND. By doing this I don’t hear calls nor texts coming in. If I did, I would spend the majority of my evening chit chatting and texting. It took family and friends a while to understand and some were offended, but this is about me, not them. My sons knew and understood, but they also know that they are exceptions to my rule and I am available for them anytime, even on homework night.

Tell us about your career goals. What do you plan to do with your degree once you finish?

Both my sons are entrepreneurs in videography/film/advertising/social media. My goal is to help them with their business after I retire from my current job.

If you had to start over, what would you have done differently?

Time management is a struggle. Having not been to school in several decades, I realized that I needed to discipline myself to create study time. My entire program has been online. I had to set a study boundary for myself. Homework is due by midnight one night per week. On the due night, I place my phone on Do Not Disturb till midnight. This allows me to focus on my classwork to make sure I have everything ready to submit if I’m down to the last night to submit. As soon as I leave work, my phone goes on DND.


The heart of our mission is to encourage other women on their back to school journeys. The goal of Featured Diva is to celebrate women who are making their academic dreams come true in hopes that other women will find encouragement to strive toward their goals.

Coping with Depression

Divas, I know some of you are being too hard on yourself. Maybe some of you are feeling depressed right now because you are working full time, going to school, taking care of kids, etc., Let's talk about how you can deal and cope with depressio...

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Divas, I know some of you are being too hard on yourself.

Maybe some of you are feeling depressed right now because you are working full time, going to school, taking care of kids, etc.,

Let’s talk about how you can deal and cope with depression while reaching your goals 😘❤️

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Stop Being Hard On Yourself

Stop being so hard on yourself, Divas‼️  Don't get down, don't stress yourself out, stop beating yourself. Be happy with your accomplishments and have the courage to take a leap of faith. Lift and hold yourself up! Celebrate the journey at...

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Stop being so hard on yourself, Divas‼️  Don’t get down, don’t stress yourself out, stop beating yourself.

Be happy with your accomplishments and have the courage to take a leap of faith. Lift and hold yourself up!

Celebrate the journey at EVERY step no matter the outcome! If you want

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PLANNING FOR 2021 | What Keeps Me Motivated

One of the things that motivated me the most is thinking about building a better life with my children when I went back to school. There was a time when I was about to give up and all I did was to think about all the sacrifices I made. How about y...

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One of the things that motivated me the most is thinking about building a better life with my children when I went back to school. There was a time when I was about to give up and all I did was to think about all the sacrifices I made.

How about you divas, what keeps you moving through this journey?

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Featured Diva: Hytha, IT

  Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique?  I have enrolled in two separate classes one...

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Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique? 

I have enrolled in two separate classes one at Yale through Coursera and the other one is the Goggle IT class. I was given a grant for this one also through Coursera. I have been in the pharmacy for 25 plus years. Looking to go in a different direction appreciating the downtime.

Tell us about some time management, study, or money-saving tips that helped you make it to where you are in your journey.

Currently, self-discipline is the key. I work from home in my office for 8 hours so now I do it for myself.

If you had to start over, what would you have done differently?

Never lose your vision or was given to you for a purpose if not today or tomorrow just stay the course.


The heart of our mission is to encourage other women on their back to school journeys. The goal of Featured Diva is to celebrate women who are making their academic dreams come true in hopes that other women will find encouragement to strive toward their goals.

Featured Diva: Kimberly, GED

  Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique?  I'm a 39-year-old single mom of one. I'm in...

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Please tell Back to School Divas a little bit about yourself and your back to school story. What made you go back to school? What makes your back to school experience unique? 

I’m a 39-year-old single mom of one. I’m in GED school now but I want to get my GED and take up phycology I want to do this for myself and my son.

Tell us about some time management, study, or money-saving tips that helped you make it to where you are in your journey.

Well, I’m in GED school but my time is in the morning because my son is in school till the afternoon.

If you had to start over, what would you have done differently?

I will not quit till I get my diploma.


The heart of our mission is to encourage other women on their back to school journeys. The goal of Featured Diva is to celebrate women who are making their academic dreams come true in hopes that other women will find encouragement to strive toward their goals. 

Women Coping with Adult ADHD in College

ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is an extremely common neurodevelopmental disorder that is typically diagnosed in childhood. However, ADHD can be diagnosed in adults, too. Because ADHD can make it hard to focus, it ca...

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ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is an extremely common neurodevelopmental disorder that is typically diagnosed in childhood. However, ADHD can be diagnosed in adults, too.

Because ADHD can make it hard to focus, it can have an impact on your college career. With so much of your day-to-day schedule determined by you, you want access to the best tools for success.

Watch this video to learn how you can cope up with ADHD in College.

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