While most college students need student loans in order to get their degree, this isn't the only obstacle. The truth is that life is never easy and at Back to School Divas we like to remind you that pursuing your dreams is 100% worth...
While most college students need student loans in order to get their degree, this isn’t the only obstacle. The truth is that life is never easy and at Back to School Divas we like to remind you that pursuing your dreams is 100% worth the challenge.
This is exactly what Briana Williams did. In May 2019, Briana walked across the stage after earning herMaster’s of Science in Community Development. But why is Briana any different?
Briana is a college graduate who fiercely followed her dreams. This believer in God took all her strength and succeeded.
“I’m celebrating GOD’s accomplishment – for the glory belongs to him! Praise God for favor! In spite of calamity (divorce, being a single parent of two toddlers, and more to name a fed). I’m on my way to my destiny because the favor and grace of God is on my life! #MASTEREDit #THANKyouMASTER”
-Briana Williams
Briana was able to get her Master’s of Science in Community Development even though, most of the time, she was raising young kids a single parent. For all parents out there, you know this isn’t an easy task, especially when you need to focus on so many things at once
We’re so proud to feature Briana as our June Back to Divas Featured Diva! After all, this adult college student used her faith in God and transformed it into something positive for both her and her family. With a college degree, she now has a better chance of raising her toddlers the way she believes is best as she continues on her path to continuous success.
Graduating from college takes a lot of time and effort. When you’re a single parent who needs to provide for two toddlers, life can get a lot more complicated. However, Briana saw this as a challenge. She had to do it. For her sake and for the sake of her young kids. And with her faith, she managed to do it.
No matter the challenge, you CAN make a better life for yourself by going back to school. Leave Briana a comment below and share your journey with us!
We recently shared a post on our blog, Am I Too Old to go to Grad School? This post discussed how going to grad school at an older age can be more of an advantage than a disadvantage. The ability to draw from your personal life and work experiences ...
We recently shared a post on our blog, Am I Too Old to go to Grad School? This post discussed how going to grad school at an older age can be more of an advantage than a disadvantage. The ability to draw from your personal life and work experiences is a gift!
It takes courage to follow your dreams and go back to school, no matter your age. While it’s always great to get the stats and figures that explain how grad school students come in all ages, sometimes it is more powerful to put a face to it all.
Meet Sheryl. Sheryl is 62 years old and will be graduating with her BA in Liberal Studies with a minor in Human Human Development in May 2019.
A Degree Years in the Making
“I am finally completing my degree after 40 years of stops and starts.”
Sheryl has wanted to complete her studies for many years, but it always seemed as though it was not the right time.
“Marriage, health crisis, children, and just life, all caused many obstacles to completing my studies.”
So, when did she finally decide to go back to school?
After putting the last three of her children through college, she realized that this was the moment to finally follow the dream she’s always had of getting her BA in Liberal Studies. What we find most inspirational about Sheryl’s story is how she didn’t allow herself to give up.
Valuable Lessons for Every Diva
“My most valuable lesson is – It is never too late.”
If this is the case, if most grad students are over 30 years old, then why do we keep telling ourselves that we’ve “missed that boat”? Why do we keep pushing our dreams aside? Why do we keep making an agreement with society that a woman’s dreams and goals have an expiration date?
Our Back to School Diva, Sheryl, is living proof that as long as you’re alive, your dreams are still valid!
“This is one thing that I truly did for myself. I am proud and honored to be part of the class of 2019!”
After trying for four decades to get her degree, there had to be something that kept her going and believing that she will ultimately reach her goals.
“Philippians 4:13, ‘I can do all things through Christ’ and Jeremiah 29:11, ‘For I have plans for you to prosper.’”
She’s determined, strong, and believes that her career and educational dreams are valid at any age. Sheryl is the true definition of a Back to School Diva!
Her selflessness in taking care of her family and her resilience in going back to school and completing her degree at the age of 62 when many would have given up, makes us so proud. We hope this real-life story will help to inspire anyone else who may have doubts about whether it’s still possible.
We’re excited to feature Sheryl as our Featured Diva!
Is your college graduation cap going to be like everybody else’s?
After spending the last few years in college, you deserve better than that.
Your graduation day is significant because it means you’re closer to your Read more
Is your college graduation cap going to be like everybody else’s?
After spending the last few years in college, you deserve better than that.
Your graduation day is significant because it means you’re closer to your career aspirations. After all those sleepless nights studying and working on assignments that felt like they were never going to end, you made it through in one piece!
Basic prepping for the day involves getting the perfect dress, your hair and makeup done, and of course, your gown and cap ready.
But wouldn’t it be great to add a little something special to your cap as well?
What’s the Significance of a Unique Graduation Cap Design?
Five words – Stand. Out. From. The. Crowd.
Back in the 14thand 15thcenturies, the graduation cap (sometimes called a mortarboard) was worn mostly by artists and studentsand it represented intelligence and superiority. They were a symbol of honor.
And nowadays? It is still an honor to wear your gown and cap in front of your peers. This is a special moment not only for you but for your loved ones as well. Some of them might have even witnessed you pushing through those sleepless nights.
It only makes sense then to truly honor this day. And of course, one way to honor it is with your look.
The best part about designing your graduation cap is that you can have fun with it. You can put in flowers, your favorite quotes, your moto…let your imagination go wild!
Before you start working on those designs, I think it’s important to give you a few pointers – just to make sure that you go about this the right way.
The Dos and Don’ts on Graduation Cap Designs
Do: Let it Represent Who You Are
We’re starting with this point because it’s important that the design represents you. Your friend’s design may be great and all, but is it who YOU are? And don’t worry about following a certain trend if that trend doesn’t connect to your personality.
Thanks to our smartphones and the internet, this significant moment will be documented and remembered forever. So, you want to make sure that whatever design you decide on truly represents who you are. You don’t want to look back on such an important day and regret what you wore.
Do: Make It Meaningful
Remember that your graduation day is not only about the past few years in college, but also about the future you have ahead of you. So, when you’re deciding on the decorations or designs, make it meaningful, something worth framing and placing next to your diploma or degree.
Don’t: Do It the Night Before
Oh, ladies. This is a major no-no. You’re bound to have major jitters for your graduation. The last thing you want to do is put more pressure on yourself by designing the cap the night before! So, maybe you’re busy and have a ton of things to do before the big day? What you want to do then is to stock up on your decorations well in advance and then little by little, start designing your cap.
Don’t: Include Many Different Themes
You love your family. You love your school. You love your future career. And you love your dog. Surely, it’s okay to include all these representations of what you love on your college graduation cap?
One word – no. The best designs have one central theme. Doing too much will end up looking like you tried too much. Pick the one message you really want to convey and go for it.
Now that you’re clear on the do’s and don’ts, let’s get into some fun college graduation cap designs to give you some inspiration.
Going back to school isn’t easy. You’ll go through a lot of hardships and making it to the other side will at times feel impossible. But you keep at it. You study. You take those long nights. You do what you have to do – You take care of business!
first generation college grad | graduation cap design | grad cap – My Blog
If you’re a first-generation college grad, this moment is not only yours. This is for your whole family, including your ancestors. You’ve made everyone proud and can wear your cap to show off this pride.
This one’s definitely one of my favorites because every Back To School Divais a queen. No matter what you’ve been through, never forget that. You should wear your cap-crown proudly.
This is definitely for the ladies out there with a good sense of humor. In college, you will learn a lot of things. Not just in class, but about life in general. Let’s hope you remember it all…or at least, most of it.
There’s a certain energy that fills the air on graduation day. That excitement has a lot to do with the fact that you’re now closer to your career aspirations. Take in this moment. Be present while also looking ahead at the wonderful future you have ahead of you.
Okay, this may be a little funny, but have you ever had a moment where you feel like you just don’t know what you’re doing? Well, keep pushing until you do!
Sometimes, all the motivation you’ll need is knowing that there’s a higher power looking over you, guiding and protecting you. If you believe that a higher power helped you get this far, why not proudly display it on your cap?
We’ve all heard about the growing student loan debt. Finances are part of the reason why so many people end up either dropping out of college, or not going at all. That’s why I’m really passionate about sharing scholarship tipswith you divas.
Okay, so maybe this Diva didn’t have the best of times in college?
There a plenty more fun and exciting graduation cap designs that will help you end college with a bang. Hope that these pics gave you some inspiration.
Whatever design you decide on, make sure that it’s uniquely you. Make sure that it’s one fit for the diva you are.
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