We all want to set resolutions and kick butt when the new year comes around. The end of the year is a time when most of us reflect on what we've accomplished, and start to think about what we’d like to achieve in the following year. Se...
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How to Set Resolutions For School, Work & Family That Stick: Make 2019 Your Year!
We all want to set resolutions and kick butt when the new year comes around. The end of the year is a time when most of us reflect on what we’ve accomplished, and start to think about what we’d like to achieve in the following year.
Setting New Year’s resolutions is something human beings have been doing for over four thousand years! Although we’ve been doing it for a while, it doesn’t mean we’ve managed to get the hang of it.
How many times have you set the resolution of eating healthier in the new year and a month or two later, found yourself at the nearest fast food restaurant after work? How many times have you promised yourself to start that side hustle you’ve been dreaming about, only to get to the end of the year with no progress made?
The truth is, setting resolutions that stick doesn’t come naturally to many people. In fact, most people need a little help. If you’re tired of not accomplishing your new year’s resolutions and want to finally set resolutions that stick, you’ve come to the right page.
Start by Setting Small, Achievable Goals
Setting small, achievable goals will help to ensure that you reach your target and stay motivated to keep going. For instance, if you’d like to get fit, aim for 3 to 4 gym sessions a week. For an unfit person who hardly goes to the gym, this is much more achievable than aiming to the gym 6 to 7 days a week.
Share your 2019 Goals with Others
Speaking to your close family and friends about your resolutions will help to keep you motivated and focused because you won’t want to let them down. If you’re planning on quitting smoking, joining a support group can help you be around others who are going through similar struggles and help give you the strength that you’ll need to keep going.
Be open to sharing your resolutions as you never know where you can find strength that will motivate you to strive harder.
Take it One Day at a Time
You’re not going to achieve your resolutions overnight. Remember that whatever unhealthy habit you’re trying to kick developed over a long period of time and being patient with yourself is the only way you’re going to change it.
For instance, if you’re trying to eat healthier, you can start by aiming to drink more water, instead of cutting out all the unhealthy foods from your diet in one go. Once you’re comfortable with drinking lots of water daily, you can then start by cutting out unhealthy carbs and replacing them with whole grains, for example.
You can aim to cut out one unhealthy habit per month or per week and slowly, you’ll begin to develop that healthier lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
Reward Yourself
Giving yourself small rewards is a great way to encourage yourself to keep going, especially during the difficult days. Your rewards don’t have to be grand at all, they just need to be small things that will put a smile on your face as you reach your milestones. Reward yourself with a trip to the movies, going to a comedy special, or just a simple massage or bubble bath when you’ve achieved what you want.
There is no better time to start setting your new year’s resolutions than right now. Sit and think about them carefully. Decide on what you really want to achieve in the new year and then apply the above.
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